about me

My name is Megan. I live in Oregon, by way of Florida, where I grew up. I love having seasons and mountains to watch. I am married to the gorgeous and multi-talented John and am Mama to Ruby and Ginger. I stay home with them rather than teaching young children in school as I used to do. Now I find myself having much more time and energy to explore my creative side that was always dormant until the summer months when teaching. I will share my adventures in mothering, knitting, baking, soap making, and reading. Besides that, I spend my time making food for the family, walking in sun or in rain, practicing yoga, doing never-ending laundry, and making goodies for my shop.

The name…
La petite vie (the small life) suits me well. I am short. I have a small children. I live in a small house. I try to live my life simply (small-ly?). Oh, and I have a slight crush on all things French after living there for a summer.



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