Jumping in

Well, this big school year has begun! Ginger is enjoying preschool. When I pick her up, the teachers tell me how sweet she is. We were nervous that she would have a hard time in the morning and anticipated some tears, but she has been very brave. She even counted to Spanish in front of the class one day!

gigi-firstday-1Ruby has a wonderful teacher – all the families that had her before can’t say enough about her. Ruby loves staying at school all day and eating lunch there. She keeps talking about how much bigger she is now and can’t wait to meet the kindergarteners and see how little they are.

ruby-firstday-1We have “gentle start” for kindergarteners here. The first week of school, the kinders visit school for a half-hour with their families to meet the teacher one-on-one. On Monday, I have half my class, on Tuesday, the other half and Wednesday is our first day with everyone together. So, I’ve met all my students and have a lot of really sweet kids. I can’t wait to get to know them better!

We were all exhausted after the first week. John is dropping off the girls at school in the morning and has to get them ready by himself. I leave for work not long after the girls are awake. That is no small feat! So we’ve all had big adjustments, but things have gone as well as we could have hoped so far.

2 thoughts on “Jumping in

  1. oh wow!! that sounds like a big morning adjustment!
    so glad you and the girls are having a good first bit of school!
    finch’s preschool doesn’t start till sep 30-
    hang in there!

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