Etsy Shop Love: Sara Carr

Sara Carr knits adorable plush friends and accessories for kids. I mean, how cute would my girls be in this scarf on the first day of school?

Lambswool Red Pencil Scarf

Lambswool Red Pencil Scarf

These charming little bunnies are just the sweetest! They’re stuffed with lavender, so they are a calming addition to a bedtime routine. The details on these made-to-order friends like the signature tag are so thoughtful.

Boris and Betty

Boris and Betty

The fox and squirrel are just ridiculously cute as well.

Large Monty the Fox

Large Monty the Fox

Stanley the Squirrel

Stanley the Squirrel

I love all these little guys! Go support Sara Carr and her cute plush world across the pond.

All photos by Sara Carr. Click on photos to visit shop.